Tri-M Music Honor Society

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is an NAfME program that recognizes outstanding music students in secondary level school. Tri-M activities increase students’ school and community involvement with music. Tri-M members are selected based on their academic and musical achievement as well as on their strength of character. Chapters invite qualified students from any organized music ensemble or class in their school to join this international music honor society. Chapter members regularly get involved with community-service activities and music-enrichment events, nurturing a more cohesive, broad, and unified music program. Rewards for the activity include scholarships and awards that are available through the Tri-M awards program.


Mrs. Seredy M. Williams


TWITTER @FentonTri_M6807 

Instagram - FentonTri_M6807

2023-2024 Officers:


2023-2024 Lifetime Honorary Member- Mrs. Emma Gingolf


Meetings for Tri-M Chapter 6807 are mandatory (at least 30 minutes) and  held in the choir room (900) school (3:25) the second Wednesday of each month. (with a few exceptions)

All meetings are important and mandatory . If more than 2 meetings are missed ( *for any reason)membership is revoked.

Meeting Agenda's located:

2023-2024 Meetings Here

2021-2022 Meetings Here

2020-2021 Meetings Here

2019-2020 Meetings Here

2018-2019 Meetings Here

2017-2018 Meetings here

2016-2017 Meetings here

2015-2016 Meetings here

2014-2015 Meetings here

Spring 2014 Meetings here

Tri-M at Fenton:

Our Goals:

To provide students who are highly involved in the Fenton HS Music Department leadership, performance, and volunteer opportunities in the school and community. 

Tri-M Music Honors Society stands for Modern Music Masters.  Our goal through Tri-M is to recognize those students who have excelled at music, and to help bring music to the community. We recognize students by accepting them into the society, and we share music with the community by bringing together all of the members of Tri-M to organize music-related events. We plan to help the community by various service projects

Candidate Criteria:

Music Participation – Enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble and/or class for at least two semesters.

 Academic Achievement – At least a 3.0 average in music courses as well as  in other academic subjects.

 Character Strength and Service – Demonstrate leadership, service, and character in all activities.


2023-2024 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Mrs. Emma Gingold

2021-2022 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Miss. Mallory Coakley

2020-2021 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Mrs. Julia Bray

2019-2020 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Mr. Dan Chase

2018-2019 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Miss Amanda Baker

2017-2018 Lifetime Honorary Member- 

Mrs. O'Dea

2016 -2017 Lifetime Honorary Members-

 Dr. Kingsfield and

 Mrs. Brown

2015-2016 Lifetime Honorary Member-

Mrs. Rieger

2014-2015 Lifetime Honorary Member-

Mr. George

      National Resources

"If we strive to cultivate musical sensitivity and perception in our students, we must likewise give adequate recognition for their efforts and achievements, and we must inspire them to strive for higher goals. In what better way than by bestowing upon them life membership in a worldwide honorary organization for musical youth?”

-Alexander Harley, Founder, Tri-M Music Honor Society